Since its inception, Assumption Academy has experienced remarkable growth. The school is embarking on a bold undertaking to construct a new school for boys in grades K-12, with phase one of the project estimated to cost over $20 million.
With the burgeoning size of our parish and the increasing number of students attending Assumption Academy, we face a new challenge: the need for additional space to accommodate our growing student body.
Our church attracts families who seek devotion to the sacraments and desire an authentic classical Catholic education for their children. Witnessing a fivefold increase in parishioners since 2010, our parish community has grown to over 1,500 members. Moreover, the City of Walton has seen its population double over the past decade, reaching 5,600 residents today.
Our school in the church's basement lacks Kindergarten through fourth-grade capacity. We are constructing a new school building to accommodate all boys attending K-12 grades to continue our critical work. Phase one of this bold undertaking will cost 21 million dollars and accept its first students by the 2028-29 school year. By completing phase one, we will have an elementary and high school with shared classrooms for electives and a fellowship hall with the capacity for future classroom expansion. Phase two and three will include a gymnasium, cafeteria, and auditorium, to be completed by the 2030-31 school year.
As an independent school, our income relies solely on goodwill donations from parents, parishioners, benefactors, school tuition, and corporate and individual contributions. Your assistance would enable us to meet the needs of our current students and ensure that future generations have access to the quality classical Catholic education that Assumption Academy strives to provide.